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Haworth Hodgkinson

Haworth Hodgkinson

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© Haworth Hodgkinson 2006–2017

The Norringe Fairy

Haworth Hodgkinson


As I stand in the garden
I see norringes in the most unlikely places.

There are norringes perched
on the corners of the garage roof
and norringes hidden
in the long grass.

One norringe spies from a hollow
in a tree trunk
whilst another lies in the road
at the end of the drive.
I wonder if there's a law
against allowing norringes
to stray onto a public highway.

There's a pair of norringes
on a parapet
and a supreme norringe surveys
from the vantage of the chimney pot.

If anybody comes to visit
I'm going to have to explain
all these norringes.
They're bound to ask.

I could say...

The Norringe Fairy was here today
and when the Norringe Fairy comes
we play norringe games all day long,
running, jumping, dodging the flying norringes.
As we get more and more excited
there's no telling where
the norringes might end up.

The sun sets and it goes dark.
I go inside the house.

Oh no!

My fridge is full of napples.


Written 2002

Published in Spirit of the Deveron, 2008
(Blue Salt Publishing)

Spirit of the Deveron

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