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Haworth Hodgkinson

Haworth Hodgkinson

Poetry 2007–2017

Poetry 2001–2006

Poetry 1996–2000

Poetry 1982–1995

© Haworth Hodgkinson 2006–2017

Six Rivers Distant

Haworth Hodgkinson


She arrived late
with booming eucalyptus.

My fingers
found rhythms of skin.

She sat
legs crossed at my feet
assembling a flute.

I negotiated
an embrace far too long
for a stranger
six rivers distant
and opted
for early departure.


Written 2004

Published in Spinners and Spoons, 2005
(Koo Press)
and in A Weakness for Mermaids, 2007
(Koo Press)

A Weakness for Mermaids Spinners and Spoons

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