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Haworth Hodgkinson

Haworth Hodgkinson

Poetry 2007–2017

Poetry 2001–2006

Poetry 1996–2000

Poetry 1982–1995

© Haworth Hodgkinson 2006–2017


after Louis Aragon: “C”

Haworth Hodgkinson


Swept across the bridge
with the hurrying crowd,
he turns a shoulder glance to the meadow
where the girl, still dancing, sheds rose petals,

discarded clothes lie by the ditch where swans
encircle the castle of the raving duke,
and a knight in tarnished armour
lies with a bullet through his groin;

where weapons spill
from an overturned jeep
and the river carries far
the glory.


Written 2005

Published in Storm Issue 4, 2005
(Koo Press)

Storm 4

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