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Haworth Hodgkinson

Haworth Hodgkinson

Poetry 2007–2017

Poetry 2001–2006

Poetry 1996–2000

Poetry 1982–1995

© Haworth Hodgkinson 2006–2017


Haworth Hodgkinson


Lucy is lying on the floor
at David's feet.
David's mind is focussed
on the musicians
weaving strands of complexity
from wood and string and metal.
Lucy is used to this.

Suddenly the playing stops
and David claps his hands.
Lucy leads David out into the foyer
where David and his friends discuss
the music they have heard.
No-one asks Lucy what she thinks.
Lucy is used to this.

Lucy has heard more music
than she can remember.
Sometimes it makes her imagine
running free across the hills.
Sometimes it is loud
and quite painful to her ears
but she has to listen quietly
with professional calm.
Lucy is used to this.

After the concert,
Lucy shows David the way to the bar
where he chats with his friends.
Lucy settles again
at his feet on the floor.
Some of David's friends
pat her on the head
or run their hands through her fur,
but still they are not interested
in her opinion
of the performance
they have heard.
Lucy is used to this.


Written 2014

Published in Guiding Lights: Another Woof, 2014
(Keith Murray Advertising)

Guiding Lights: Another Woof

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