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Haworth Hodgkinson

Haworth Hodgkinson

Poetry 2007–2017

Poetry 2001–2006

Poetry 1996–2000

Poetry 1982–1995

© Haworth Hodgkinson 2006–2017


Haworth Hodgkinson


I could tell you of the places I'd been,
describe mountains, islands, trees,
and your mind would reconstruct
the trees, the islands and the mountains
that you have seen,
reassembling them
to fit my words.

I could show you photographs
and you would see
a mosaic world of rectangular pieces,
each with its own sky
and carefully chosen border.
You would struggle to work out
how the fragments fit together
and why the same figure seems
to be standing
in so many different places.

Or I could take you there,
let you look and listen,
sharing all and
saying nothing.


Written 2004

Published in Storm Issue 4, 2005
(Koo Press)
and in Spinners and Spoons, 2005
(Koo Press)

Spinners and Spoons Storm 4

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