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Haworth Hodgkinson

Haworth Hodgkinson

Poetry 2007–2017

Poetry 2001–2006

Poetry 1996–2000

Poetry 1982–1995

© Haworth Hodgkinson 2006–2017


Haworth Hodgkinson


Hi! It's me! I rang last night, but you weren't in.


I was in.
The telephone rang so suddenly, without warning.
It startled me.
I froze, staring in terror at the impatient intruder,
holding my breath and praying it would stop.
So it was you!
Were you trying to give me a heart attack?
Don't ever do that again!


Hi! It's me! I rang last night, but you didn't answer.


I was expecting the telephone to ring,
and I guessed it would be you.
You ring, and you expect me to answer immediately,
drop whatever else I might be doing, and answer straight away.
No, I thought,
this time you would have to wait.


Hello? Hello?


Written 1994
Edited 2006

Published in The Broken Fiddle Issue 3, 1994
(Banff & Buchan District Council)
and in A Weakness for Mermaids, 2007
(Koo Press)

A Weakness for Mermaids The Broken Fiddle 3

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