“...landscape...” (1980)
“...wilderness...” (1981)
Sleeping Vigil (1983)
Oneirospheres I-IX (1983)
After the Not Chinese (1984)
Semiquavers (1984)
Music for a Westerly Destination (1984)
Music for a Northerly Destination (1985)
Music for an Imagined Destination I (1985)
Here we go again... (1985)
Meeting Apart (1985)
Self Portrait Asleep (1985)
Inner Litany (1985)
“...you know all about waiting, don't you?” (1985)
Music for an Imagined Destination II (1986)
Another Time (1986)
Birdscarers (1986)
Turn I: Banker's Blues (1987)
A Different Place (1987)
The Birds of Kellie Law (1987)
High Moss (1987)
Darwen from Knott Street (1987)
Shorelines (1988)
A Night in the Other World (1988/1997)
The Caretaker's Secrets (1989)
A Birthday Sequence for Hazel (1989)
A Long Summer Nocturne (1989)
Dunnideer (1989)
North Towards Ever (1989)
Long Descent: Many Bends (1989/1992)
Christmas Eve (1990)
In Disguise (1990)
Goodshaw Ground (1991)
Prelude for Myself (1991)
Sonata for Four Organs (1991)
Half Remembered Dreams (1992)
Udny Beach (1992)
Josevara Fragment (1992)
Six Answers to a Forgotten Question (1992)
First Vigil for Ellen Strange (1994)
Buchanhaven Shout (1994)
Buchanhaven Blues (1994)
Buchanhaven Scream (1994)
Postlude for Myself (1994)
Untitled (1995)
The Audition (1995)
A Way of Coping (1995)
Studies in Balloon Behaviour (1997/2011)
Induction Games (1997)
Automaton (2001)
Six Weaknesses (2007/2010)
This Story (2007/2014)
Windhouse (2008/2014)
First Proof of Concept (2011)
Second Proof of Concept (2011)
Vocal Balloonery (2011)
Canvas Null (2013)
Sleeping through Thunder (2013)
Third Proof of Concept (2013)
Horizontal Gaze (2013/2014)
Fourth Proof of Concept (2014)
Fifth Proof of Concept (2014)
Sixth Proof of Concept (2014)
Pentland Drones (2014)
Red Nocturne I (2014)
Nothing has Changed (2014)
Three Day Hocket (2014)
Red Nocturne II (2014)
Slipping (2015)
Found Poem in 36 Languages (2015)
St Margaret's Gallowgate (2015)
Healer (2015)
November Nights at the Beach (2015)
Dundee Ambient (2015– )
Winter Sea (2016)
Piano Machine (2016)
Tulloch House Night Vigil (2016)
You can listen to some of these compositions on the High Moss website.